We’ve all seen beautiful social media pictures of cats enjoying cuddles with their owners. But why do some kitties seem to avoid any kind of cuddling strongly and why are those cat cuddles very easy to come by with some felines? And how are you able to go about encouraging your own cat to get cuddly with you? Let’s dig into the science behind Kittie's cuddles.

1- How and Why Do Cats Cuddle?
When cats cuddle, they implement behaviors they learned as kittens. Back then, when kitten snuggles with mom would offer warmth and a way of security. So, when your lovely cat jumps on your lap and curls into a ball while you’re lounging on the couch, or when she decides to cozy next to you while you’re snoozing in bed, she is cuddling with you to feel warm and safe.
2- Why Do Some Home Cats Cuddle More Than Others?
A lot of your cat's personality and moods are determined during the first weeks of life and a cat’s likelihood to cuddle is no different. According to Sally E. Bahner, a feline consultant, and pet writer, kittens must be socialized at the very young age of two to seven weeks old. 'That means being petted and handled routinely, which can get them used to be cuddled early on,' she says.

3- Do Some Breeds Enjoy Cat Cuddles quite Others?
Even accounting for various socialization levels and a feline’s inherent tendency toward finickiness, certain cat breeds are more likely predisposed to enjoying cat cuddles over others. 'I would think that the more sedate breeds like Persians and Ragdolls would love cuddling quite the active, high-energy breeds like Abyssinians and Bengals,' says Sally.
Older cats affected by medical ailments like arthritis may additionally show an aversion to being cuddled, and Sally points out. So if you are looking to adopt a feline with a preference for kittie cuddles, consider their age and breed.
4- How Should You Give Cat Good Cuddles?
If your beautiful kitty is open to soft cat cuddles, she must always be well supported, whether you’ve scooped her up or she’s cradling in your lap. Support lovely kittens like newborn kids, and always avoid applying not-needed pressure while cuddling. Adding some chin-scratching to the combination may also help put your cat at ease; in general, petting while cuddling can encourage your kitty to enjoy cat cuddles.
Sally says that one among her own cats, Mollie, doesn’t particularly like being held. When she picks Mollie up, she makes sure she’s well supported and is usually released at the first signs of any struggle. 'Then I’ll thank her abundantly,' says Sally, 'because it has to be on the cat’s terms; if you force cuddling, you will make it a negative association.' Similarly, if your feline becomes overstimulated during a bout of cat cuddles and decides to bless you with a cat love bite that ought to be taken as a transparent signal, it’s time to end the snuggle session.

5- What If Your lovely Kitty Hates Cat Cuddles?
Unfortunately, some felines do not enjoy cat cuddles. Sally says this is likely because of a lack of proper socialization, especially not being handled regularly during kittenhood. She also points out that bad experiences such as hearing a loud noise while being held can spook a cat out of enjoying cat cuddles.
6- Does Your Cat Hate You? If He Hates Cuddles
Sally maintains that simply because a cat doesn't seem to enjoy cuddling, that doesn't mean that the kitty isn’t affectionate at heart: although those full-on cat cuddles are out of the question, your cat still likely experiences an entire lot of comfort and a sense of safety just by being near to you.