A police station in Busan, South Korea, is not just a place where police officers work, but it's now also home to a mother cat and her four babies. The adorable story of how this police office became their house is an event that the officers share fondly.

1- The sad meeting
The police officers meet the stray cat for the primary time after a car accident. Sadly, they learned that newborn kittens died within the impact. Out of respect, the officers buried the kittens.

2- The happy meeting
After that moment, the stray cat disappeared from the police station until a couple of months later. For some reason, one day has reported by love meow. She returned to the police office with a clear intention to remain.
Soon the officers discovered she was pregnant again. When the time came, the officers helped her to give birth. They prepared an area for her to give birth at the guard's post and they helped cut the umbilical cords for her kittens.

3- Beautifull kittens
When the kids were born, everyone at the police station fell in love with them and decided to take care of them at the police station until they gained enough strength to be on their own.

4- The appropriate name! "Molang"
The officers named the mother cat Molang, which translates to 'I don't know!'.
Seemingly, the name is appropriate because they have no idea about this stray cat, where she came from, or how old she is.

5- The first cat police family in South Korea
However, weeks turned into months, and the kittens were still there.
Now the furry family lives at the police office permanently. The kittens are growing up happy and healthy, and everyone in the police station loves them.

These days, Molang and her kittens accompany their human friends while on duty. They are the primary cat police family in South Korea. They attempt to keep the neighborhood peaceful and clean by only occupying one empty box at a time.